Saturday, September 27, 2008

How am I filling the days?

Now that it's been a week, I'm sure many of you are wondering what it is that I do all day. Well, the truth is, daytime doesn't bring too much excitement. Usually I wake up around noon, and by the time I've showered and eaten some eggs it's usually 1pm, and I'm off to the internet cafe. I embarassingly spend the best weather hours of the day in a dark room paying 60 cents an hour for high speed internet so that I can keep up this blog and make an attempt at knowing about world events. Then I eat lunch around 3, and the afternoon hours mean time to explore. I usually pick a new area I haven't been to and walk around, sometimes I stop at a coffee shop and read for a bit, but generally not doing anything of note.

This would all sound like I'm bored here, but the truth is, I'm not. I like doing very little during the day, and I've made it a goal, a goal that I've achieved, to do something interesting, sometimes even adventurous, ever night. Here's a list of the adventures I've managed to have in the past week:
  • Sunday. First time in Belgrano, dinner and hookah with Alexis and Brennan in their studio
  • Monday. Took bus for the first time (that was an adventure in itself) so I could try to meet up with some Dutch friends of mine from the Hostel who were going to a drum concert. After waiting in line for half an hour (not knowing if I would find them once inside), I went into La Bomba del Tiempo, a hipster concert in the courtyard of a cultural center. It was awesome, and I quickly found the Dutch guys, and we sipped $3 beers (a full liter each) and danced to the beat. Afterwards we went to another bar where I conversed with some people they were staying with, including some interesting internationals.
  • Tuesday. I met up with Cristian and explored San Telmo, a bit of a touristy area but with good food and drink. This is where most of the tango milongas are, but we didn't see any.
  • Wednesday. Dinner and conversation with the Wertheins, my surrogate family in BA.
  • Thursday. The Dutch guys came over in the morning and spent the night couch-surfing in my apartment. We explored Palermo, and the Zoo (which was creepy), and then returned to the apartment to make dinner and drink some wine with Nicolas, my roommate.
  • Friday. Went to Kabbalat Shabbat services at NCI Emanu-El, the only reform synagogue in the area. That warrants its own post. Then I went to the apartment of one of Cristian's friends for a small gathering, and fruitlessly tried to follow the conversation of ten Argentinian twenty-somethings while we drank beer and strawberry flavored wine.
So even though my days are somewhat bland, as long as I can keep up this adventuring during the evenings I feel like I'm making the most of my time. And the weather is only going to get better--it may be 65 and sunny now, but summer is just around the corner.

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