Monday, March 26, 2007

Revving my engine...

Two quarters at Stanford complete, and Junior year now essentially over, I'm sitting at home in Villanova starting to prepare for my European adventure. I finally got some information from ALBA, my program in Barcelona, and can leave the United States knowing that I will actually have a place to live. Here is my itinerary:

Wednesday 28 March: Arrive London in the morning after a red-eye, and hang out with Jonah from Camp Harlam. We might catch a student rush fare for a West End show, and who knows, maybe we'll even see Equus. Mallory from Stanford gets to London Wednesday night, and we'll hang out for the next couple of days, along with a few British Harlamites.

Friday 30 March: Mal and I leave late at night and fly to Florence. I'll spend the weekend there hanging out with Mallory, who has been there since January and is staying until June.

Monday 2 April: Train to Bologna to reunite with my long lost wife, Jess. We'll consummate and enjoy a few days in Italy's college town, where Jess is spending the entire year.

Thursday 5 April: Flight to Barcelona. After 10 days of travelling, I'll finally head to Barcelona. I'm going to be staying in an apartment with David, a fellow Stanford tour guide, at Carrer de Mozart 20, Barcelona. Seems like a fairly central location, although I really have no idea about the layout of the city. We're also going to be sharing the flat with a guy from Dartmouth named Scott.

Orientation isn't until Monday the 9th, so I imagine we'll spend the weekend getting to know the city a little bit and having some fun. I'll also be having some dinners with the Caines, who are going to be in town visiting Jenny!

Week of 6 May-13 May: Mom, Dad, and Rachel all come to visit for a week. We'll spend three days in Barcelona and then an extended weekend in Prague. Should be awesome!

Friday 15 June: I unfortunately have to fly right back to the states at the end of the program, so not too much traveling in June. But I'll be back at Stanford in time to see my friends graduate!